Frequently Asked Questions – Ventura

For a questions regarding booking please read the FAQs.

Q. How close is the house to the Ventura Fair Grounds?

A. Two miles.

Q. Is it better to rent at the beach or in town?

A. There is a grocery store and restaurants a few blocks away.  The town town is a short bike ride in one direction, and the marina is a short bike ride in the other direction.  We feel it is much easier to walk groceries home a few blocks than to carry beach supplies down to the beach from the town.

Q. What are the check-out procedures?

A. Laundry – Place all used sheets and bath towels on the dryer and start a load of bath towels in the washer.  All beach towels should be washed and back in the garage basket.

Kitchen/Dishes – Run and unload the dishwasher, remove all unused food and personal items.

Furniture – if moved, please return to the original location.

Let us know of any issues with the house that need to be fixed.  This property can rents for several months at a time, and we are not be able to do a thorough inspection between each renter.

Q. Does the house have air conditioning.

A. No. All our homes have air conditioning except this home. Due to the proximity to the beach, there is a nice breeze that comes through.  There are windows up high that can be left open or slid shut.  It is only warm a few days out of the year due to the Santa Anna winds which are easily predicted by meteorologists.  There are three fans.


Q. When is trash day?

A. Trash goes out on Thursday mornings, but the blue bin is only picked up every other week.